Švajcarska je prodala Srbiji tehnologiju za nadzor telefona za skoro dva miliona franaka. U pitanju su IMSI hvatači koji omogućavaju lociranje, prisluškivanje i nadzor mobilnih telefona, piše švajcarski Blik. Glavni urednik nedeljnog izdanja Blika Fabijan Eberhard piše da se politička kriza [...]
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Serbia has purchased surveillance technology from Switzerland for nearly two million Swiss francs. This purchase has raised concerns about the Serbian government's commitment to transparency and freedom of expression, particularly in the context of ongoing political unrest and calls for deeper reforms.
The main conceptual idea of the text is that Serbia has purchased surveillance technology from Switzerland for nearly two million Swiss francs. This purchase has raised concerns about the Serbian government's commitment to transparency and freedom of expression, particularly in the context of ongoing political unrest and calls for deeper reforms.